Today, conventional books have become less popular, as there are new formats, namely electronic formats, it can be PDF, TXT or more advanced versions. This is quite convenient, as it saves space by not filling your home with shelves of books. Moreover, thanks to this, you can have a whole library at your fingertips and read when you are traveling or on vacation.
This is the most obvious advantage of e-books. You can still list the various advantages, but one way or another the question arises, and where to download them? Not just download, but legally and in full version. And if you complicate the question, you can put it differently: where to download e-books in foreign languages? Actually, we will try to answer this question in the following material, which will help you find practical and easy ways to get a whole library in a convenient format for a reasonable price.
Amazon’s Kindle Store
This is probably one of the biggest and definitely the most popular platforms. It offers e-books in a wide variety of languages. And we’re not just talking about English, French or German. You will have no problem finding books in Chinese, Hindi and even Farsi. You can buy them in convenient formats such as PDF or MOBI. Various premium subscriptions are also available.
Who among book lovers hasn’t heard of the famous Apple Books? There is also a fairly wide selection of e-books in various foreign languages. Separately, it is worth noting the convenient interface of the platform, thanks to which it is easy to search for the book you need.
Especially surprising is this platform, where you can download interesting selections of books that are difficult to find in such a combination on other, more famous and bigger platforms. Definitely, Libriland is worth a look, and you won’t regret it if you follow the link There you will find books filled with wisdom, among which especially stand out collections of aphorisms, which do not lose their relevance until today.
Do not limit yourself in reading books and get acquainted with the new electronic format, which allows you to enjoy reading more easily and cheaply. To do this, you just need to buy a PocketBook and find a good platform where it will be convenient and easy to download books to read. Remember that a book does not lose its usefulness even if it is electronic. On the contrary, it allows you to expand your opportunities and range of interests in literature due to the accessibility and ease of reading.