Today, it is undeniable that the main internal combustion engines are motors. The principle of their operation has not changed much over a hundred-year history, although there are distinctive features in the purpose and manufacturers. In their development, four-stroke motors displaced simpler two-stroke counterparts, giving their owners the maximum in ease of use, economy.
Today, two-stroke engines have found their application where the weight-to-power ratio occupies an important place, and the service life and operational convenience practically do not matter.
Two-stroke outboard motors are a simple engine design, compactness, convenience for frequent transportation, simplicity and savings in maintenance, etc.P. The combustion process characterizes the efficiency of a two-stroke engine, and this efficiency is less than in a four-stroke one, due to the impossibility of completely displacing the processed mixture and avoiding emissions through the exhaust window of the cylinder. The liter power of a four-stroke is, of course, lower than that of a two-stroke, since the working cycle is carried out half as often.
Deserved attention and vibration, which has maximum values at frequencies that are multiples of the frequencies of the crankshaft. Deepening into the theory of vibration does not make much sense, we only note that in the design of a four-stroke it requires the introduction of balancing shafts in order to reduce the vibration harmonics. It can be concluded that this makes the design more expensive.
When choosing a motor, the area of \u200b\u200bits application is of no small importance. The presented characteristics of the manufacturers of boats and boats must also be taken into account when choosing the power of the outboard motor. This may lead to the risk that you may lose control, so that this does not happen, the power indicated in the passport must not be exceeded. Also, for some types of boats, the power of its motor cannot be less than half of the maximum allowable, as it may be difficult to get on planing.