No matter how difficult the repair you start, you can hardly do without plaster. Therefore, you need to know what types of plaster are, and in what situations they are used.
Exists as regular and beacon plaster. In the case of beacon plaster, the solution is not just rubbed on the wall, but leveled according to special limiters, which are called beacons. This type of plaster is resorted to if they want to get a smooth, even wall. The main thing here is to cope with the task of placing beacons on the same level, and the rest is just a matter of technique.
Beacons can be very different: metal ones, which are sold in any store, wooden ones in the form of thin bars, and beacons that everyone can make on their own from drywall scraps. But the most convenient to use are string beacons.
String beacons are good to use if you need to plaster a large area wall. One string is stretched at the top of the wall, and the other at the bottom. These are the guides along which it will be necessary to align the solution. First of all, the solution is thrown under the strings. After it dries a little, apply the solution all over the wall. In this case, the solution should be applied in several layers, constantly removing excess.
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