Wood has become a very popular building material. It is used both for finishing individual parts and structural elements, and for the direct manufacture of structures from it (truss structures, windows, attic floors, cabinet furniture). The material is expensive so not everyone can afford it. Wood has a tendency to rot. Often microorganisms live in it, which destroy it. Therefore, it must be treated with antiseptics.
Stairs are also made from wood. Wooden spiral staircases have become especially popular. Their projects can be viewed and ordered on the Internet, or you can come up with your own.
My friend has an oak spiral staircase. Once he told me how it was made.
Certain trees are selected for the construction – they should be no more than 50 years old. Minimum knots on the trunk. Wood lies in a special solution for several years. This is necessary in order for the material to become flexible (after all, it needs to be shaped). When the wood is ready, the craftsman gets to work. When the material has been given the desired roundness, it is sent to dry in special chambers. Further, at the request of the customer, wood is carved. After everything is covered with two or three layers of stain and varnish. Stairs can be mounted. The installation is carried out by a specially trained and experienced person, t.to. it is a responsible and complex process.
The spiral staircase creates certain inconveniences. For example, when moving furniture from one floor to the second, difficulties will immediately be felt – movers will have to be smart. But all this will seem unimportant when the furniture is in place, the house is cleared of chips and wood dust. The spiral staircase will always evoke words of admiration.