Surely, a person who is professionally engaged in plumbing does not need to be explained what a fitting is, because this is almost one of the most necessary details when it comes to installing a pipeline. For non-specialists, let us explain that a fitting is a connecting part of a pipeline, which becomes necessary in places of branching or, for example, a pipe bend. Among other things, the fitting will be useful when changing the diameter of the incoming pipe. Also, do not forget about this detail if, for some reason, you often need to disassemble and assemble pipes. And in general, if you want to ensure the tightness of the pipe overlap, purchase fittings.
Depending on the material from which they are made, all fittings can be divided into:
– brass;
– polypropylene
– steel;
– cast iron, etc.
Threaded fittings are also varied. They can be both in the form of tees and plugs, there are also corners, couplings, fittings in the form of crosses. This diversity gives you the opportunity to connect pipes of completely different configurations.
Depending on the type of pipes with which you plan to use the fitting, these parts are for:
-for metal pipes;
-for metal-plastic pipes;
-for polypropylene pipes;
-for high pressure hoses.
According to the fastening criterion, modern fittings are divided into:
– collet;
– welded;
– compression;
– self-locking;
– threaded;
– capillary.
Among all this variety of fittings, we advise you to pay attention to threading fittings, which provide the highest level of tightness, and also do not require special efforts when installing.
Additional information about this type of fittings, as well as about their acquisition, can be obtained by passing the link Productsiyafitingifi-Rezboviy.