For the construction and repair of houses, and sometimes apartments, artificial stone is increasingly being used. It is also used to decorate corners, walls, fireplaces, etc.P. Also, artificial stone has proven itself in the finishing of external surfaces – fences, houses and other structures. Let’s consider what stages the work on facing the internal walls of the house includes.
Preparatory. At this stage, consider how you will lay the stone. It is important to take into account the relief and geometry of the stone. Imagine a ready-made wall lined with artificial stone. Clean the walls of dirt, dust, old wallpaper or paint. Surface and stone treatment. Treat the walls with a primer. For drywall surfaces, reinforce the walls with building mesh. It is also necessary to prime the back side of the stone. Applying glue to the surface. The optimum surface area on which the adhesive is to be applied should be approximately 1 m2.
Facing. Stone laying starts from the bottom row from the far corner, gradually approaching the exit from the room. Between the stones it is necessary to make gaps. Later they can be filled with special rust mixes. They cost no more than cement mortars. Many paint the seams. This is done on purpose, for the most expressive look. Protective coating. This is not required, but desirable. Protective coating will improve the care of the surface of artificial stone.